More than half a pitcher(Height: 160mm/Spout(Diameter): 140mm), full of milk, is poured into a piece of paper rolled into a cone. The paper is crushed, and thrown to the audience. The milk has disa...
A glass of milk is poured into a piece of paper rolled into a cone; when the cone is unrolled, milk is nowhere to be found. In another trick, a straw is inserted into the mouth of a rabbit made wit...
A magician picks up a drink (juice, coke, beer, wine, etc.; anything is fine) as he takes a break between the performances and he pours it into a glass. And nevertheless he is in the middle of fil...
The magician displays a tube decorated with a beautiful design (dolphins), some water (in a cup is okay), and a clear empty glass. The magician then pours water into the top of the tube, but no wa...
A magician properly shows a clear glass with some water in it, and covers it with a handkerchief. When he casts a spell on it and takes the handkerchief off...whew! You will see a live goldfish swi...