Card Fanning is a delightful magical art enjoyed and appreciated by all audiences! With this, the world's best Fanning Deck, you will astound your audience with brilliant, colorful effects and an absolutely astonishing climax! Read included instructions carefully and you will be a card fanning expert in a very short time.
The journey from the idea of a dragon appearing at the climax of a fan card to the actual product was filled with continuous challenges. Dozens of prototypes and numerous sketches had to be meticulously translated into computer graphics, each overlapping pattern painstakingly crafted. What would be the best size for the fan card? (61x112 mm) What about the paper quality? Printing and cutting techniques? And what simple yet effective steps should be taken? Finally, after all these questions were answered, it transformed into a single piece of art, ready for production.
Performance: The patterns on the fanned-out cards change one after another... Then, the card marks suddenly disappear, and finally, a gigantic dragon emerges amidst the full fan!
Additionally, it comes with a secret item called "Fanning Powder" to keep the card surface smooth and enable fans to spread more evenly.
In addition to the main magic, there is a fantastic bonus trick included in the "MAGIC+1" series; "DRAGON FANNING DECK".English instructions is included.